What We MADE of RSS
The Warrior Within: Jaxon’s Heart Story
In the coastal haven of Gulfport, Mississippi, where the relentless waves whispered their secrets to the shore, a profound tale of resilience and love was etched into the very fabric of existence. This is the chronicle of a young warrior, Jaxon Patterson, who arrived in this world on a December morn, his destiny irrevocably intertwined with the complex tapestry of his family's legacy.
Celebrate Student Success, No Matter What!
Here's a list reasons compiled by a former higher education professional/DJ/T-shirt pimp, which support my position on the importance of celebrating student success.
Happy bEARTHday GP1
October 7, 2019, GP1 would have been 69 years old. In honor of my dad’s birthday, I spent the day with playing gospel quartet music, having lunch with my oldest son, and supporting a local business, putting in work and showing what we're MADE of.
Pizza and T-shirts
When it comes to pizza, the I Got It MADE Family (Chuck, Shalon, McRae and Jaxon) will never shy away from an opportunity to eat good pizza. You'll find our MS Coast pizza spots this blog.
Magnificent McRae Turns 5
Our oldest son turned five recently and we decided to do something a bit different with his birthday invitation. Check it out!